Programma HydraMax
Proper Body Hydration
The first step to health is the amount and quality of water you drink every day: 1.5 – 2 liters of water. For proper hydration, Coral Club offers an optimal hydration program in 30 days called HydraMax. Package: 1 box of 3 products.
- Coral-Mine 3*10 (30 sachets)
- Pentokan 3*20 (60 effervescent tablets)
- H-500 60 capsules
Everything you need for optimal hydration.
Coral Club presents the HydraMax kit to achieve optimal hydration in the body.
Three products, three actions:
- Enrichment with essential minerals for the body
- Antioxidant defense
- Regulation of intracellular water-salt balance

Detoxification with Coral Detox Plus
Detoxification of the body in 30 days by Coral Club Product Code: 803600
Package: 1 box of 6 products.
The second step to health is to rid yourself of the toxins that accumulate in the liquid, blood, and liver. The Coral Detox program helps detoxify the body from toxins in 30 days. The application of the products is specified in the exact sequence and must be carried out within a determined time.
- Assimilator (90 capsules)
- Pentocan (40 effervescent tablets)
- Н-500 (60 capsules)
- Coral-Mine (30 sachets)
- Coral Lecithin (120 capsules)
- Alfalfa Medicago (120 capsules)
You need to detoxify your body:
- If you have anxious and unstable sleep, it is a sign of the effects of toxins on the body.
- If you feel constant irritability, lethargy, and nervousness.
- Thirdly, weak immunity, hypertension, and heart diseases: all of this suggests that the body needs to be cleansed of harmful substances.
Program Application:
- Drink water with Coral Mine every day – 2 liters throughout the day.
- Assimilator – 1 capsule 3 times a day (before meals).
- Pentokan – 1 tablet 1-2 times a day during meals.
- H-500 – 1 capsule in the morning, 1 capsule in the evening.
- Coral Lecithin – take 2 capsules 2 times a day (during meals: breakfast and dinner).
- Coral Alfalfa – 2 capsules 2 times a day during meals.
The main properties of Coral Detox Plus include: Natural cleansing of toxins, improving and protecting cells, strengthening immunity, increasing tone, an energy boost, protection against the negative effects of toxins and other harmful substances, improving skin health, removal of kidney stones, weight loss resulting from swelling.

Intestinal Cleaning
Intestinal Cleaning
The third step to health is the cleansing and purification of the intestines. It has been calculated that in the intestines of an adult individual, up to 20 kg of waste can accumulate, a quantity that is halved in the body of a child.
Waste and toxins:
- Cause serious alterations in metabolic processes and redox reactions
- Slow down the generation of energy necessary for normal physical and mental activity
- Create conditions for the rapid proliferation of pathogenic bacteria
- Reduce the efficiency of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems
- Hinder the absorption of vitamins and micro-elements
As you can see, all crucial factors in the development of diseases, including the most serious ones, are affected.
In light of such information, it is clear how important it is to carry out a preventive treatment twice a year aimed at eliminating parasites and cleansing the intestines.
30-day antiparasitic program by Coral Club Product
Package: 1 box of 5 products.
Code: 803200
Parafight (90 capsules)
Coral Burdock Root – Coral Radice di Bardana (90 capsules)
MSM (60 capsules)
Super Flora (90 capsules)
Coral Mine (30 sachets)
Symptoms of parasitic infection:
Malaise, weakness, fatigue, lack or excessive appetite, diarrhea and constipation, allergy (rash on the skin, cough, asthma attacks), nausea without poisoning, stomach pain, weight loss with a good appetite, snoring or grinding teeth during sleep, itching in the anus (often with pinworms), muscle and joint pain without strain, insomnia, asymptomatic fever, swollen or enlarged lymph nodes.

Nutripack programma di Coral Club
Per arricchire l’alimentazione quotidiana con i nutrimenti preziosi
Codice prodotto: 803400
Composizione: 1 box di 6 prodotti.
Coral Alfalfa (120 capsule)
Spirulina (180 tablets)
B-Kurunga (90 capsule)
Omega 3 (30 capsule)
Coral Lecitina (120 capsule)
Coral Mine (30 sachet)

Programma I-Pack
"afforzare il sistema immunitario in 30 gg con Immunity Pack
Codice prodotto: 803900
Confezione: 1 box di 5 prodotti.
Liposomiale vitamina C
Liposomiale vitamina D3
Pau D’Arco (Corteccia di lapacho con selenio)
Olio di fegato di squalo
Coral Mine